Paper 1 2012 Questions & Answers: part1

Paper 1 2012 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 61 to 65

Following SQL Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB TNTET written examinations and inteview 2017 :

61.Suppose you want to teach the word'Pat'.Which one of the following is the easiest way to teach it?

Drawing the picture of someone patting.
Telling a story in which the word 'pat'is used.
Using the word 'pat' in a sentence
Showing the action of 'patting'

62."No,Murali doesn't want to leave early,"is the answer to the question.

Did Murali want to leave early?
Do Murali want to leave early
Does Murali want to leave early?
Has Murali wanted to leave early?

63.Which of the following is the best instruction for asking children to bring their textbook everyday?

you must bring your textbook everyday.
please bring your textbook everyday
You should bring your textbook everyday
You should not come to class without textbook.

64.The sentence,Take a left turn and go straight" is an expression for:

making a request
seeking permission
giving an advice
giving direction

65.Which of the following options would correctly fill in the blanks seen in the given dialogue? Teacher: Hello,Smitha!How are you? Smitha : Fine,ma'm.Thank you. Teacher: .....................? Smitha : I was not well.

Where were you last week?
Where did you last week
Were was you last week?
Where do you last week?

More Paper 1 2012 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison