C Programming Questions & Answers: part5

Software Programming : C Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part5 : 6 to 10

Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :

6.What is the value of the �a� in the expression: a = ( b=10, b*b );?

Syntax error
Run time error

7.What is the result of the following code? void main( ) { int x = 0; for(x =1; x<4; x++ ); printf(�x=%d, �, x); }

x = 0,
x = 1,
x = 3,
x = 4,
x = 1, x = 2, x = 3.

8.Which storage class specifies local variables?

Internal static
Both (opt1) and (opt3) above
(opt1), (opt2) and (opt3) above.

9.The storage class controls

Life time of a variable
Linkage of a variable
Scope of a variable
Both (opt1) and (opt3) above
(opt1), (opt2) and (opt3) above.

10.What will be the output of following program if the inputs are 2, 3 respectively? void main( ) { int x, y; printf( �\n Enter two values : � ); scanf( �%d%d�, x, y); printf( �%d+%d=%d�, x, y, x+y ); }

Syntax error
x + y = 5
x + y = x + y
Will generate runtime error ( core dump ).

More C Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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