Software Programming : C Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part7 : 1 to 5
Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :
1."My salary was increased by 15%!" Select the statement, which will EXACTLY reproduce the line of text above. |
printf("\"My salary was increased by 15/%\!\"\n"); |
printf("My salary was increased by 15%!\n"); |
printf("My salary was increased by 15'%'!\n"); |
printf("\"My salary was increased by 15%%!\"\n"); |
printf("\"My salary was increased by 15'%'!\"\n");. |
2.int a=10,b; b=a++ + ++a; printf("%d,%d,%d,%d",b,a++,a,++a); what will be the output when following code is executed? |
12,10,11,13 |
22,10,11,13 |
22,11,11,11 |
12,11,11,11 |
22,13,13,13. |
3.short testarray[4][3] = { {1}, {2,3}, {4,5,6}}; printf(�%d\n�, sizeof(testarray)); Assuming a short is two bytes long, what will be printed by the above code? |
It will not compile because not enough initializers are given |
6 |
7 |
12 |
24. |
4.while ((x-1)) { ++counter; x--;} Referring to the sample code above, what value will the variable counter have when completed? |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4. |
5.How many union members can be initialized? |
Only one member of a union at any one time |
Any number of members of a union at one time |
Union members can not be initialized |
Only two members of a union at any one time |
Only two members of a union at any time. |
More C Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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