Mechanical Engineering Questions And Answers :: Steam Boilers: part6

Mechanical Engineering : Steam Boilers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part6 : 16 to 20

Following Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

16.Bomb calorimeter is used to determine

Higher calorific value at constant volume
Lower calorific value at constant volume ,
Higher calorific value at constant pressure
Lower calorific value at constant pres�sure
None of the above.

17.The maximum discharge through a chimney occurs when the height of chimney is

infinitely long
around 200 meters
equal to the height of the hot gas column producing drought
outside temperature is very low
more than the tallest building nearby.

18.Proximate analysis of fuel is determination of percentage of

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, moisture
fixed carbon, ash, volatile matter, moisture
higher calorific value
lower calorific value
rough analysis.

19.Vacuum for reciprocating steam engines compared to steam turbines is

could be more or less depending on the size of plant
none of the above.

20.Primary air is the air used to

provide air around burners for obtaining optimum combustion
transport and dry the coal
convert CO (formed in lower zone of furnace) into C02 at higher zone
air delivered by forced draft fan
none of the above.

More Steam Boilers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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