Mechanical Engineering : Steam Boilers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 1 to 5
Following Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :
1.The equivalent evaporation of a boiler is a measure to compare |
the given boiler with the model |
the two different boilers of the same make |
two different makes of boilers operating under the same operating conditions |
two boilers of same make but operaing under different conditions |
any type of boilers operating under any conditions. |
2.Coke is produced by |
pulverising coal in inert atmosphere |
heating wood in a limited supply of air at temperatures below 300GC |
strongly heating coal continuously for about 48 hours in the absence of air in a closed vessel |
binding the pulverised coal into bricketts |
enriching carbon in the coal. |
3.Stoichiometric quantity of air is the |
air present in atmosphere at NTP conditions |
air required for complete combustion of fuel with no excess air |
air required for optimum combustion so as to have reasonable excess air |
air required to convert CO into C02 |
air required to form an explosive mixture. |
4.Equivalent evaporation is the amount of water evaporated in a boiler from and at |
0�C |
100�C |
saturation temperature at given pres�sure |
room temperature |
20�C. |
5.Heating of dry steam above saturation temperature is known as |
enthalpy |
superheating |
supersaturation |
latent heat |
super tempering. |
More Steam Boilers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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