Mechanical Engineering Questions And Answers :: Steam Boilers: part7

Mechanical Engineering : Steam Boilers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part7 : 1 to 5

Following Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

1.The safety valve on boiler drum compared to safety valve on superheated is set ai

same value
higher value
lower value
lower/higher depending on steam flow

2.The ultimate analysis of fuel lists

various chemical constituents, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen etc, plus ash as per-cents by volume
various chemical constituents, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc, plus ash as per-cents by weight
fuel constituents as percents by volume of moisture, volatile, fixed carbon and ash
fuel constituents as percents by weight of moisture, volatile, fixed carbon and ash
moisture and ash free heating value.

3.Secondary air is the used to

provide air around burners for obtaining optimum combustion
transport and dry the coal
convert CO (formed in lower zone of furnace) into C02 at higher zone
air delivered by induced draft fan
air fed to pulverizes.

4.Which is not correct statement about the function of furnace

to provide proper conditions for continuous complete combustion
mix fuel with air and ignite
separate ash from coal
maintain heat supply to prepare and ignite the incoming fuel
to minimize radiation losses.

5.Water and sediment in fuel oil can be removed by

heating the oil in the settling tanks
cooling the oil in the settling tanks
burning the oil

More Steam Boilers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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