Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Course of Action: part9

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Course of Action QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part9 : 1 to 5

Directions for Q: In each of the questions below is given a statement followed by three courses of action numbered I, II and III. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested course(s) of action is/are logically worth pursuing.

1. Statement : Every year during monsoon quite a few people get drowned and die while swimming in the sea on various beaches in the city.Courses of Action: I. The civic administration should deploy at least two life guards on each of the beaches during monsoon. II. The civic administration should make arrangements to caution people whole swimming in the sea during monsoon. III. The civic administration should put up prominent sign posts near the treacherous parts of the beaches advising people not to venture into the sea in the monsoon season.

Only I and II follow
Only II and III follow
Only I and III follow
All follow
None of these

2. Statement : Many management institutes in the city have enrolled a large number of students for management courses which are not recognized either by the local university or by the department of technical education.Courses of Action: I. All these management institutes should immediately be derecognized of technical education. II. All these management institutes should be asked to refund fees to all such students and enroll them only for recognized courses. III. All such students should be advised to switch over to the recognized courses in other institutes.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Only III follows
Only II and III follow
None of the above

3. Statement : Many people in the locality have fallen sick and admitted in the local hospital after consuming sweets served during a community meal.Courses of Action: I. The police should immediately arrest all the people responsible for making the sweets. II. The people admitted in the local hospital should immediately be shifted to bigger hospitals. III. The local food and drug authority should investigate to find out the cause of the sickness and take necessary action.

Only I and III follow
Only II and III follow
Only II follows
All follows
None follows

4. Statement : Large number of students have failed in the recently held SSC final examination due to their performance in the English language paper.Courses of Action: I. The Government should immediately issue a circular to all the schools to appoint competent English language teachers. II. The Government should immediately instruct all the schools to send their English language teachers for refresher courses to be conducted by the Government. III. The Government should instruct the examining body to lower the difficulty level of the English language paper in the future examinations.

None follows
Only I follows
Only III follows
Only II and III follow
All follow

5. Statement : It is feared by the experts that there may be deficient rainfall in many parts of the country due to weak monsoon.Courses of Action: I. The Government should immediately set up a committee of experts to study the amount of rainfall in various parts of the country. II. The Government should make arrangements for providing relief supplies to the areas affected due to poor monsoon. III. The farmers in the affected areas should be advised to switch over to crops requiring less water during the Kharif season.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Only III follows
Only I and III follow
None of these

More Course of Action QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. Henry Kravis