Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Course of Action: part15

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Course of Action QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part15 : 1 to 5

Directions for Q: In each of the questions below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) worth pursuing.
Give your answer as :
Opt 1 if only I follows
Opt 2 if only II follows
Opt 3 If either I or II follows
Opt 4 If neither I nor II follows
Opt 5 if both I and II follow

1. Statement : A very large number of students have failed in the final high school examinations due to wrong questions in one of the subjects.Courses of Action: I. All the students who have failed in that subject should be allowed to take supplementary examination. II. All those who are responsible for the error should be suspended and an enquiry should be initiated to find out the facts.

if only I follows
if only II follows
If either I or II follows
If neither I nor II follows
if both I and II follow

2. Statement : A large number of students studying in vernacular medium have not passed the Xth standard final examination.Courses of Action: I. The Government should immediately review the situation and initiate measures to improve the it. II. All the teachers of these schools should be issued notices to improve performance of the students.

if only I follows
if only II follows
If either I or II follows
If neither I nor II follows
if both I and II follow

3. Statement : There is an unprecedented increase in the number of successful students in this year’s school leaving certificate examination.Courses of Action: I. The Government should make arrangements to increase number of seats of intermediate courses in the existing colleges. II. The Government should take active steps to open new colleges to accommodate all these successful students.

if only I follows
if only II follows
If either I or II follows
If neither I nor II follows
if both I and II follow

4. Statement : The prices of foodgrains and vegetables have substantially increased due to prolonged strike call given by the truck owners association.Courses of Action: I. The Government should immediately make alternative arrangements to ensure adequate supply. II. The Government should take steps to cancel the licence of all the vehicles belonging to the association.

if only I follows
if only II follows
If either I or II follows
If neither I nor II follows
if both I and II follow

5. Statement : A severe storm is likely to hit the city during the next forty-eight hours.Courses of Action: I. The administrations should advise all the business and educational establishments to close. II. The administration should activate its Disaster management Programme to tackle any possible emergency situation.

if only I follows
if only II follows
If either I or II follows
If neither I nor II follows
if both I and II follow

More Course of Action QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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