Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Course of Action: part7

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Course of Action QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part7 : 1 to 5

Directions for Q: In each of the questions below is given a statement followed by two courses of action. Course of action is a step for administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the given suggested courses of action is/are logically worth pursuing.
Give your answer as:
Opt 1 If only conclusion I follows.
Opt 2 If only conclusion II follows.
Opt 3 If either I or II follows.
Opt 4 If neither I nor II follows.
Opt 5 If both conclusions I and II follows.

1. Statement : Huge amount of resources are required to develop tourist places in a country like India, which is endowed with vast coastlines, rivers, forests, temples etc.Courses of Action: I. More tourist resorts along the coastlines only should be started. II. The tourist potential of India should be exploited.

If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either I or II follows.
If neither I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follows

2. Statement : There are more than 200 villages in the coastal area of Andhra Pradesh which were severely damaged due to cyclone and it caused an extra burden of Rs.200 crore on State Government for relief and rehabilitation work.Courses of Action: I. People of coastal area should be shifted to other safer places. II. State Government should ask for more financial support from Central Government.

If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either I or II follows.
If neither I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follows

3. Statement : The State Government has decided to declare `Kala Azar’ as a notifiable disease under the Epidemic Act. Under the Epidemic Act, 1897, family members or neighbours of the patient are liable to be punished in case they did not inform the State Authorities.Courses of Action: I. Efforts should be made to efficiently implement the Act. II. The cases of punishment should be propagated through mass media so that more people become aware of the stern action.

If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either I or II follows.
If neither I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follows

4. Statement : Reports of steep and continued decline in the inflows into the Gobindsagar reservoir of the Bhakra Dam, coupled with a depleted stock of steam coal with the thermal power plants in the North, may lead to a serious power crisis in the region.Courses of Action: I. The supply of steam coal to the thermal power plants needs to be immediately stepped up by the Government. II. The Government should set up hydraulic power plants on other rivers in the region.

If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either I or II follows.
If neither I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follows

5. Statement : Financial stringency prevented the Government of state `X’ from paying salaries to its employees since April this year.Courses of Action: I. The Government of state `X’ should immediately curtail the staff strength atleast by 30%. II. The Government of state `X’ should reduce wasteful expenditure and arrange to pay the salaries of its employees.

If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either I or II follows.
If neither I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follows

More Course of Action QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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