General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part28 : 16 to 20
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
16.The Winter Olympic of 2002 will be organised in which of the following cities ? |
Nagano |
Tokyo |
Moscow |
Salt Lake City |
17.Name the foreign lady who undertook social service in India and was honoured with ""Bharat Ratna"" ? |
Sister Nirmala |
Mother Teresa |
Sheela Kumari |
Diana Hayden |
18.Which of the following countries approved a new constitution of the country in a referendum through secret voting held in February 2012? |
Iraq |
Iran |
Syria |
19.Operation Desert Fox was in the news recently. Which of the following about it is not true ? 1. It was launched by the USA and Britain. 2. Its aim was to attack Iraq and Iran. 3. Its aim was to destroy the newly-developed nucelar weapons in the Gulf. |
Only 1 |
Only 2 |
Only 3 |
Only 1and 2 |
20.The E1-Nino storms struck which of the following places in U.S.A. recently ? |
Kansas |
Texas |
Carolina |
California |
More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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