General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Awareness: part28

General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part28 : 76 to 80

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

76.Who has been honoured with 1996 Dada Saheb Palke Award ?

Dilip Kumar
Sivaji Ganeshan
K. Subrahmanian
M. C. Mehta

77.Which of the following is not true ? Shekhar Kapur was in the news recently because 1. He announced his retirement from films. 2. He was nominated for the 1998 Golden Globe Award. 3. The latest film directed by him is Elizabeth.

1 and 2

78.Sri Bimal Jalan was holding which of the following posts immediately prior to his appointment as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

Indias representative at World Bank
Member Secretary, Planning Commission
Deputy Governor, RBI
Economic Advisor the the Government of India

79.The 4th Federation Cup Hockey matches were organised at which of the following places in Dec. 97.


80.Peter Nicol who was in India recently in associated with which of the following games/sports ?


More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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