General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part23 : 1 to 5
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
1.Who among the following is the Chief Minister of Rajasthan at present ? |
Ashok Gehlot |
Una Bharti |
Digvijay Singh |
None of these |
2.By a Constitutional amendement, the Union Cabinet decided to extend reservation in jobs, etc. to which of the following sections of the society in India ? |
Marginal and small farmers and their wards |
Economically weaker sections of the society |
Widows and war widows who are not getting any pension |
None of these |
3.Which of the following gives green colour to the leaves of a plant ? |
Plasma |
Starch |
Chloroform |
None of these |
4.Worlds second largest steel manufactrrer, Posco Steels, which recently showed its interest in acquiring some assets in some Steel Companies in India is basically from |
China |
Norty Korea |
Germany |
South Korea |
5.According to ""India Vision 2020"", if India has to attain the goal of total employment by the year 2020, it should work towards generating scope for __________ jobs per year. |
1 million |
2 million |
5 million |
10 million |
More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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