General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Awareness: part23

General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part23 : 41 to 45

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

41.""The U N gets Blix report"" - was the headlines in leading newspapers recently. Which of the following statements best describes the core issue floated by the headline ? 1. Hans Blix is the Foreign Secretary of the USA and was asked to put up the US views on Iraq problem. 2. Blix is the Chief on the UN Peace Keeping Force and was asked to submit a report on the problems of the Chechen and Serbian refugees. 3. Blix who is the Chief of the U N Commission of Human Ri

Only 1
Only 2
Only 3
Only 4

42.Why was the name of B.K. Chaturvedi recently in the news ?

He has taken over as the Indias High Commissioner to U.K.
He will be the new Cabinet Secretary in the Union Government.
He will be the new Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
He will be our permanent representative in the UNO

43.As per the recent judgement of the Delhi High Court, the owners of Uphaar theatre and several other civic authorities were asked to pay compensation to the victims of Uphaar Tragedy and/or to their families. Which of the following was the incidence for which victims were asking for the compensation ?

In a severe earthquake, the building of the theatre collapsed.
When a film show was going on a few years ago, a major fire broke out killing several people.
Because of poor construction, the builidng collapsed all of a sudden one day killing hundreds of people working, and/or shopping there.
None of these

44.As per Economic Survey 2002-03, among the major categories of consumption, the public expenditure has gone up on which of the following categories ?

Health care services
Clothing and footwear
Fuel and power

45.As per the reports published recently, India has a capacity of producing good amount of oil and gas in coming few years. This is estimated as what percent of worlds output of oil and gas ? Around


More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
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