General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part23 : 36 to 40
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
36.The Government of India has recently taken a decision to provide Social Security Number to its citizens. Initially the number will be provided to all those |
Who are Central or State Government employees and working in the capacity of temporary employees or contractual workers. |
Who are employed in the manufacturing units run by the Central Government as labour or factory workers and are prone to industrial accidents. |
Who are covered by the Provident Fund Scheme of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation. |
Who are working in millitary, paramilitary or armed forces in any capacity as their life is always under threat |
37.India recently signed an agreement with which of the following countries so as to enable it to import the items/technology from there which was not possible earlier due to sanctions put by that country on the export of the same ? |
Russia |
Germany |
France |
South Korea |
38.As per the decision taken by the Government of India, the people of Indian origin residing in some other countries are offered dual citizenship. This will enable them to |
Visit India without taking a visa |
Visit India with a one-time visa which will be valid for the next 30 years |
Visit India as frequently as they wish on an instant visa available on arrival lounge of any domestic airport in India |
Change their NRI status and become a bonafide citizen of India. |
39.From January 20, 2003, trade began in an entirely new currency market product. This product is known as |
Gold Bond |
Rail Bond |
National Savings Certificate |
40.In economic field, very often, the term ""Price Index"" is used. If the Price Index in May 1985 was 355, then what does it mean ? 1. The prices on the average were more than three and a half time as much. 2. The prices were 255 per cent higher than what they were in 1970-71 (the earlier base year). 3. As compared to the earlier base year, May 1985 was full of various commodities and the supply was 300 times better than the earlier years.Which of these |
Only 1 |
Only 2 |
Only 3 |
Only 1 and 2 |
More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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