UGC NET Question Papers :: Model Paper 3: part1

UGC NET : Model Paper 3 QUESTION PAPERS :: part1 : 21 to 25

Following UGC NET Multiple choice objective type questions and answers were taken from old (previous year) question papers. It may helps you in UGC NET 2024, NET 2024 examinations :

21.Which group of communication aspects does not distort the communication process in the class?

Evaluating – focusing - illustrating
Reversing – evaluating – focusing
Evaluating – focusing - exaggerating
Focusing – illustrating - exaggerating

22.In classroom socialized techniques, projects and group methods fulfil most of the conditions. Lives discussion will replace

Autocratic procedures
Both (A) &(B)
None of the above

23.Which of the following steps would you consider first as an effective communicator?

Plan the evaluation procedure
Select the channels of communication
Specify the objectives of communication
Identify various media for communication

24.Nationalism in education has the aim of

enforcing obedience and society in the individuals
supporting the democratic educational objectives
development of individuality as its end
making education internationalists as well

25.Which of the following was not involved in the medieval controversy between the realists and nominalists?

differences respecting the nature of universals
emphasis given to Aristotle’s deductive logic
claims that reason is subordinate to faith
challenges to the authority of church dogma

More Model Paper 3 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.- Vidal Sassoon