UGC NET Question Papers :: Model Paper 3: part1

UGC NET : Model Paper 3 QUESTION PAPERS :: part1 : 6 to 10

Following UGC NET Multiple choice objective type questions and answers were taken from old (previous year) question papers. It may helps you in UGC NET 2024, NET 2024 examinations :

6.The primary aim of educational psychology is

To contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices
To provide the teacher with a greater appreciation of his role in the education of the child
To provide the academic background essential for effective teaching
To provide a theoretical framework for educational research

7.The concept of experimental neuroses which threw light on various aspects of abnormal behavior has been studied in depth by


8.In the development of statistical methods, the greatest contribution is that of


9.Who recommended that the years of secondary schooling be increased to the 10, +2

The Ramamurti Report
The Kothari Communication
Basic Scheme
All of the above

10.The curriculum suggested by Frocbel for the kinder gardens

Has no place for religious instruction
Includes religion and religious instruction
Has no provision for languages
None of these

More Model Paper 3 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison