Sql Interview Questions & Answers: part8

Sql Interview QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part8 : 6 to 10

Following SQL Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many software compnaies written examinations and inteview 2015 :

6.What will be the output of a query given below? SELECT person_id, fname, lname FROM person WHERE person_id=1;

Show only columns(person_id, fname, lname) but only those rows which belongs to person_id=1
Show all columns and rows
Shows only columns person_id
None of these

7.Which of the following clause is evaluated in the last by database server?

None of these

8.What will be the output of the query given below? #107. What will be the output of the query given below? SELECT emp_id, fname, lname FROM employee WHERE title=’HEAD TELLER’ AND start_date>2008-11-23;

All columns
Only those columns which are mention with “SELECT” clause
Columns mention with “SELECT” clause and only those rows which contain ‘HEAD TELLER’ as a “title” and start_date>2008-11-23
None of the above

9.Find the error? SELECT *;

No Error
No table mentioned
None of these

10.What is the meaning of “SELECT” clause in Mysql?

Show me all Columns and rows.
Show me all columns.
Show me all rows.
None of these

More Sql Interview QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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