Sql Interview Questions & Answers: part6

Sql Interview QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part6 : 1 to 5

Following SQL Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many software compnaies written examinations and inteview 2015 :

1.The ______ clause allows us to select only those rows in the result relation of the ____ clause that satisfy a specified predicate.

Where, from
From, select
Select, from
From, where

2.Select ID, name, dept name, salary * 1.1 where instructor; The query given below will not give an error. Which one of the following has to be replaced to get the desired output ?


3.All aggregate functions except _____ ignore null values in their input collection. #77. All aggregate functions except _____ ignore null values in their input collection.


4.Select ID, GPA from student grades order by GPA ____________ ; Inorder to give only 10 rank on the whole we should use :

Limit 10
Upto 10
Only 10
Max 10

5.The phrase “greater than at least one” is represented in SQL by _____.

< all
< some
> all
> some

More Sql Interview QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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