Software Programming : Java Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part10 : 6 to 10
Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :
6.Which method that executes immediately after the init () method in an applet? |
destroy() |
start() |
stop() |
run() |
exit(). |
7.Which of the following is true? |
Any applet must be an instance of java.awt.Applet. |
You must always provide a no-arg constuctor for an applet. |
You must always provide a main method for an applet. |
You must always override the init method in an applet. |
You must always overload the init method in an applet. |
8.What will the following program print when it is executed? public class Practice11 { public static void main(String args[]) { int i = 0; while (i < 3) { if( i++ == 0 ) System.out.print("Merry"); if( i == 1) System.out.print("Merr"); if( ++i == 2) System.out.print("Mer"); else System.out.print("Oh no!"); } } } |
MerryMerrMer |
MerryMerrMerOh no! |
MerrMerOh no! |
MerryMerrMerOh no! |
erOh no! |
9.Consider the following statements: #140. Consider the following statements: double mint[ ]; mint = new double[10]; Which of the following is an incorrect usage of System.in.read() with this array? |
mint[0] = (double) System.in.read(); |
mint[1%1+1] = System.in.read(); |
mint[2] = (char) System.in.read(); |
mint[3] = System.in.read() * 2.5; |
mint[0]= System.in.read(double);. |
10.Select the correct statement from among the following: |
Java language was developed by Micro Soft |
Java language was developed in 1990 |
Java language was written by James Bond |
The initial name given for Java is Oak |
The project which developed Java is called Grand project. |
More Java Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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