Software Programming : Java Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 1 to 5
Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :
1.Identify, from among the following, the incorrect descriptions related to Java : |
Java Virtual Machine translates byte code into its own system’s machine language and runs the resulting machine code |
The arithmetic operations *, /, %, + and – have the same level of precedence |
Comments do not cause any action to be performed during the program execution |
All variables must be given a type when they are declared |
Java variable names are case-sensitive. |
2.Consider the following statement(s) about Java: I. All white-space characters (blanks) are ignored by the compiler. II. Java keywords can be used as variable names. III. An identifier does not begin with a digit and does not contain any spaces. IV. The execution of Java applications begins at method main. Which of them is correct? |
Both (I) and (III) above |
Both (II) and (IV) above |
Both (I) and (II) above |
(III) and (IV) above |
All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above. |
3.In object-oriented programming, the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object is called #50. In object-oriented programming, the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object is called |
Encapsulation |
Polymorphism |
Overloading |
Inheritance |
Overriding. |
4.A process that involves recognizing and focusing on the important characteristics of a situation or object is known as: |
Encapsulation |
Polymorphism |
Abstraction |
Inheritance |
Object persistence. |
5.Re-implementing an inherited method in a sub class to perform a different task from the parent class is called |
Binding |
Transferring |
Hiding |
Coupling |
extending. |
More Java Programming QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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