Mechanical Engineering Questions And Answers :: Heat Transfer: part4

Mechanical Engineering : Heat Transfer QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 11 to 15

Following Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

11.A grey body is one whose absorptivity

varies with temperature
varies with the wave length of incident ray
varies with both
does not vary with temperature and wave length of the incident ray
there is no such criterion.

12.The emissive power of a body depends upon its

wave length
physical nature
all of the above
none of the above.

13.Depending on the radiating properties, body will be transparent when

p = 0, x = 0 and a = 1
p=l,x = 0, and a = 0
p = 0, T= l, and a = 0
X = 0, a + p = 1
a = 0,x + p= 1.

14.If the temperature of a solid surface changes form 27�C to 627�C, then its emissive power changes in the ratio of


15.Absorptivity of a body will be equal to its emissivity

at all temperatures
at one particular temperature
when system is under thermal equiplibrium
at critical temperature
for a polished body.

More Heat Transfer QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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