Mechanical Engineering Questions And Answers :: Heat Transfer: part4

Mechanical Engineering : Heat Transfer QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 6 to 10

Following Mechanical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

6.Two plates spaced 150 mm apart are maintained at 1000�C and 70�C. The heat transfer will take place mainly by

free convection
forced convection
radiation and convection.

7.The ratio of the energy absorbed by the body to total energy falling on it is called

absorptive power
emissive power
none of the above.

8.Depending on the radiating properties, a body will be opaque when

p = 0, x = 0 and a = 1
p=l,x = 0anda = 0
p = 0, x = 1 and a = 0
x - 0, a + p = 1
a=0,x + p= 1.

9.In re generator type heat exchanger, heat transfer takes place by

direct mixing of hot and cold fluids
a complete separation between hot and cold fluids
flow of hot and cold fluids alternately over a surface
generation of heat again and again
indirect transfer.

10.The amount of radiation mainly depends on

nature of body
temperature of body
type of surface of body
all of the above
none of the above.

More Heat Transfer QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison