Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Passage and Conclusion: part11

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Passage and Conclusion QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part11 : 1 to 5

Passage XIV: A survey in India indicated that in the core section of the companies, which were analysed, the compensation package for executives was divided into several fringe benefit groups. The number of items included in it rose as one ascended the management hierarchy. In many companies, provision was made for transportation and medical and housing assistance. A few companies also provided for children’s education or permitted family allowances. Some of them have now adopted a specialized approaches called the `cafeteria approach’ in salary fixation. What is sought here is that the benefits must meet an executive’s needs. Therefore, an appropriate selection has to be made of the benefits in terms of his needs after consulting him. Thus, this approach would individualise the system as the final choice is left to the executive concerned.

1. Now-a-day most of the companies in India are designing their compensation packages on the lines of such packages offered by the companies in foreign countries.

if the conclusion is definitely true.
if the conclusion is probably true.
if data are inadequate to answer.
if conclusion is probably false.
if conclusion is definitely false

2. While designing the compensation package for executives, certain companies try to establish a match between needs and benefits.

if the conclusion is definitely true.
if the conclusion is probably true.
if data are inadequate to answer.
if conclusion is probably false.
if conclusion is definitely false

3. The survey conducted in India on compensation package included employees working at different levels, including executives.

if the conclusion is definitely true.
if the conclusion is probably true.
if data are inadequate to answer.
if conclusion is probably false.
if conclusion is definitely false

4. There is a standard universal compensation package for executives in most companies.

if the conclusion is definitely true.
if the conclusion is probably true.
if data are inadequate to answer.
if conclusion is probably false.
if conclusion is definitely false

5. Fringe benefits offered by many companies take care of most of the basic physiological needs of the executives.

if the conclusion is definitely true.
if the conclusion is probably true.
if data are inadequate to answer.
if conclusion is probably false.
if conclusion is definitely false

More Passage and Conclusion QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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