Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Direction Sense Test: part1

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Direction Sense Questions and Answers

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Direction Sense Test QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 21 to 25

21. Starting from a point, a person walked 12 m North, he turned right and walked 10 m, he again turned right and walked 12 m, then he turned left and walked 5 m. How far is he now and in which direction from the starting point?

10 m, towards West
15 m, towards East
10 m, towards East
5 m, towards West
None of the above

22. Anoop starts walking towards South. After walking 15 m he turns towards North. After walking 20 m, he turns towards East and walks 10 m. He then turns towards South and walks 5 m. How for is he from his original position and in which direction?

10 m, North
10 m, South
10 m, West
10 m, East
None of these

23. Ravi starts walking towards North. After walking 15 m he turns towards South. After walking 20 m, he turns towards East and walks 10 m. He then turns towards North and walks 5 m. How far is he from his original position and in which direction?

10 m, North
10 m, South
10 m, East
10m, West
None of these

24. A started from a place. After walking for 1 km, he turns to the left, then walking for � km, he again turns to left. Now, he is going Eastward direction. In which direction, did he originally start?

None of these

25. The town of Paranda is located on Gree lake. The town of Akram is West of Paranda. Tokhada is East of Akram but West of Paranda. Kokran is East of Bopri but West of Tokhada and Akram. If they are all in the same district, which town is the farthest West?


More Logical Reasoning Direction Sense Test QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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