Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Direction Sense Test: part1

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Direction Sense Questions and Answers

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Direction Sense Test QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 11 to 15

11. Ms. A goes for her morning walk at 6 O�clock towards sun for 2 km, then she turns to her right and walks 3 km. She again turns to her left and walks 2 km, finally she turns to her left to walk another 6 km. In which direction is she moving and at what distance from the last turn, she is standing?

6 km, East
9 km, East
6 km, North
9 km, north
None of these

12. Starting from a point `S�, Mahesh walked 25 m towards South. He turned to his left and walked 50 m. He then again turned to his left and walked 25 m. He again turned to his left and walked 60 m and reached a point `T�. How far Mahesh is from Point `S� and in which direction?

10 m, West
25 m, North
10 m, East
25 m, West
None of these

13. From point P, Akshay starts walking towards East. After walking 30 m, he turns to his right and walks 10 m. He then turns to his right and walks for 30 m. He again turns to his right and walks 30 m. How far is he from point P and in which direction?

Point P itself
10 m, North
20 m, West
20 m, North
None of these

14. Starting from a point `M�, Harish walked 18 m towards South. He turned to his left and walked 25 m. He then turned to his left and walked 25 m. He then turned to his left and walked 18 m. He again turned to his left and walked 35 m and reached a point `P�. How far is Harish from the point `M� and which direction?

10 m East
10 m West
35 m West
10 m South
None of these

15. A man starts from his house and walks 10 km in South direction, then he turns right and goes 6 km, again he turns right and goes 10 km and finally turns right and goes 6 km. At what distance is he from the starting point and in which direction?

2 km, North
3 km, South
At the starting point
4 km, East
None of these

More Logical Reasoning Direction Sense Test QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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