Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Analytical Reasoning: part13

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Analytical-Reasoning QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part13 : 6 to 10

Study the following information to answer the questions given below it:
(i)A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family
(ii)There are two Doctors, two Teachers, two Professors and one Lawyer
(iii)No lady is either Teacher or Lawyer
(iv)Teacher’s wife is a Professor and Lawyer’s wife is also a Professor
(v)C is the daughter-in-law of F and mother of E
(vi)B, a Doctor, is son of G, and E, who is not a Professor, is the daughter of Lawyer
(vii)A’s husband is a Teacher and A is the mother-in-law of C and grandmother of B
(viii)F is the grandfather of B and D.
The information given for the questions suggest that all the seven members belong to three generations in the following way:
1st generationGrand ParentsF (Male Teacher)A (Female Professor)
2nd generationParentsG (Male Lawyer)C (Female Professor)
3rd generationChildrenB (Male Doctor)E (Female Doctor)D (Male Teacher)

6. What is D to C?

Cannot be determined
None of these

More Analytical Reasoning QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison