Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers :: Analytical Reasoning: part9

Logical Reasoning Ability Test : Analytical-Reasoning QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part9 : 1 to 5

Study the following information to answer the questions below it:
(i)There is a family of six persons representing three generations
(ii)There are two married couples and both the wives are housewives
(iii)Pratap, the Lawyer, is father of Prashant and has one grandchild
(iv)Pooja, the Doctor, is the sister of the Teacher
(v)Madhu’s daughter-in-law Sumati is married to a Teacher
(vi)Bindu, grand-daughter of one of the housewives is studying in 9th standard.Doctor.
From the information (iii), it is clear that Pratap (lawyer) and Prashant are grandfather and father respectively in the family. From information (v), we can find that Madhu is the wife of Pratap (Lawyer) and Sumati is the wife of Prashant (Teacher). Pooja is the sister of Prashant and is a Doctor and Bindu is the daughter of Prashant.

1. What is the profession of Prashant?

Cannot be determined
None of these

2. Who among the following is one of the married couples?

Cannot be determined
None of these

3. How many male members are there in the family?

Cannot be determined
None of these

4. Which of the following statements is not true?

The Doctor is the sister-in-law of the house wife
Pratap has two grand children
Madhu has one son and one daughter
Prashant has two children
Sumati has one son and one daughter

5. Who are the children of Madhu?

Pooja and Prashant
Sumati and Pooja
Prashant and Sumati
Cannot be determined
None of these

More Analytical Reasoning QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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