IIT JEE Questions And Answers :: Fluids At Rest: part1

IIT JEE : Fluids At Rest QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 6 to 10

Following IIT JEE Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Maths, Physics and Chemistry 2024 examinations :

6.A glass bulb is balanced by a brass weight in a sensitive beam balance. Now the balance is covered by a glass-jar which is then evacuated. Then:

the beam will remain horizontal
the pan containing the bulb will go down
the pan containing the bulb will go up
none of the above

7.The pressure at the bottom of a tank of liquid is not proportional to:

the density of the liquid
the area of the liquid surface
the height of the liquid
the acceleration

8.An iron ball is weighed in air and then in water by a spring balance:

its weight in air is more than in water
its weight in water is more than in air
its weight is same both in air and water
its weight is zero in water

9.A block weighs 15 N and 12 N in air and water respectively. When it is immersed in another liquid, it weighs 13 N, then the relative density of the block is:


10.An alloy is prepared by mixing equal volume of two metals. The specific gravity of alloy is 4. But when equal masses of two same metals are mixed together, the specific gravity of alloy is 3. The specific gravity of each metal is:

2, 4
6, 4
6, 2
4, 8

More Fluids At Rest QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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