
General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Geography: part1

General Knowledge : Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 16 to 20

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

16.When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, it is called as

Geostropic wind
Polar wind
Trade Winds

17.The winds blowing from sea towards the coastal areas are called

Ocean currents
Land breeze
Coastal winds
Sea breeze

18.Tropical deciduous or monsoonal forests occur in

Siberia, Alaska, U.S.A., Canada
New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, France
Netherlands, U.S.S.R, Norway, U.K.
Burma, India, Thailand, Brazil

19.Which of the following statement is incorrect

Roaring forties are the southern latitudes where Westerlies are prevalent
Monsoon are local seasonal winds
Doldrum belt lies between 10degree N and 10degree S latitudes
Horse latitudes are found between Trade winds and Westerlies

20.Desert such as Sahara are generally found between 20 degree and 30 degree latitudes in western parts of the continents. This is because these regions :

are very hot throughout the year
have off - shore winds throughout the year
have warm off - shore currents
lie in the belt of the doldrums

More Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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