
General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Geography: part1

General Knowledge : Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 61 to 65

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

61.Which of the following regions bear mainly the Coniferous forests ?

Southern part of India
South America
Southern island of New Zealand
Central, Eastern and Western parts of North America

62.The ozon layer in the upper part of the atmosphere protects us from

Cosmic rays
Ultrasonic waves
Infra - red rays
Ultraviolet rays

63.A new brodcast from London at 10.00 a.m.was heard on the radio at Baghdad at 1p.m. the same day.The longitude of Baghdad is

30degree W
45degree E
60degree E
30degree E

64.Extremely short statured people of Congo basin are called


65.The Ocean currents transfer heat from

one sea or ocean to another
one coast to another
the surface of the sea to greater depths
lower to higher altitudes

More Geography QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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