General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part24 : 41 to 45
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :
41.In an electronic watch, the component corresponding to the pendulum of a pendulum clock is : |
Transistor |
Balance wheel |
Crystal oscillator |
Diode |
42.With which of the following intruments can a sailor in a submarine see the objects on the surface of sea ? |
Periscope |
Telescope |
Gyroscope |
Stereoscope |
43.The blue colour of the water in the sea is due to : |
absorption of other colours by water molecules |
reflection of the blue light by the impurities in sea water |
reflection of blue sky by sea water and scattering of blue light by water molecules |
none of these |
44.Moon has no atmosphere because : |
it is quite far off |
it does not have any living being |
its surface is not smooth |
root mean square velocity of all gases is more than their escape velocity on moons surface |
45.A crystal capable of absorbing a radiation and re-emitting it in the form of visible light, does so after a certain small time interval of excitation. This phenomenin is called : |
phosphorescence |
fluorescence |
photolysis |
absorption |
More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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