General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Science: part24

General Knowledge : General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part24 : 51 to 55

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

51.A wave in which the particles of the material move up and down as the wave goes from left to right is known as :


52.A glass tumbler containing ice shows droplets of water on the outer surface because :

the outer surface of the tumbler shows hygroscopic effect
water from inside oozes out through the wall of the tumbler
the moisture in the air on coming in contact with the cold surface of the tumbler condenses into water droplets
both (a) and (b)

53.Which one of the following is the correct arrangement in the decreasing order of the refractive indices of glass, diamond and water ?

Glass, water, diamond
Water, glass, diamond
Diomand, water, glass
Diamond, glass, water

54.The Moon is revolving in a circular orbit around Earth with a unifrom speed V. If the gravitational force suddenly disapperars, the Moon will :

continue to move with speed V along the original orbit
fall downward to Earth with increasing velocity
finally come to rest somewhere on the original path
move with the velocity V tangentially to the original orbit

55.A lighted candle gets extinguished when convered with a tumbler because of :

adequate supply of air
inadequate supply of air
presence of non-luminous matter
none of these

More General Science QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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