General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Awareness: part20

General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part20 : 61 to 65

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2014 examinations :

61.Jhansi Ki Rani is a film directed by

A.J.F. Medan
Sohrab Modi
Himanshu Rai
Joseph David

62.Why does the human body perspire in summer ?

To maintain a constant normal temperature
To relax
To get more energy
None of the above

63.Juvenile delinquency is not directly affected by

Influence of mass media
Intra familial disharmony
Bio-psychological stresses of adolescence

64.The stock Exchange is a part of

The money market
The capital market
Both (A) and (B)
None of these

65.The filt-edged market deals in

Won and torn currency notes
Government securities
Corporate bonds

More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. Henry Kravis