General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: General Awareness: part13

General Knowledge : General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part13 : 71 to 75

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :

71.Which of the following pairs of country and its currency is not correct ?

North Korea - Won
Bangladesh - Taka
Saudi Arabia - Rial
Japan - Yuan

72.Which was the first planet on which a space probe landed ?


73.Farakka Agreement between India and Bangladesh was about

Settlement of border
Exchange of envoys
Sharing the Ganga border
Mutual trade

74.Where is Sriharikota, Indias satellite launching centre ?

Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu

75.Rabindra Nath Tagore s Jana Gana Mana has been adopted as India s National Anthem. How many stanzas of the said song were adopted ?

Only the first stanza
First and second stanza
First and fourth stanza
The whole song

More General Awareness QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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