General Knowledge Questions And Answers :: Current Affairs: part8

General Knowledge : Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part8 : 66 to 70

Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :

66.Who among the following are associated with Billiards?1. Rupesh Shah 2. Ashok Sahndilya 3. Pankaj Advani 4. Dhruv Shitwala

1,2,3 and 4
1,2 and 3
2 and 3
1 and 4

67.Who won the Magistral ciudad de Leon Chess tournament in Leon last year for a record seventh time ?

Veselin Tapalav
Vishavnathan Anand
Levon Aronian
Vladimir Kramnik

68.Jose Ramos-Horta was sworn in as the President of

East timor

69.Who was crowned Indian Idol recently in a TV programme ?

Amit Paul
Tarun Verma
Prashant Tamang
Soni Ali

70.Yuvraj Singh slammed six sixes in one over durinh the T20 matches against ?

South Africa

More Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison