General Knowledge : Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 1 to 5
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :
1.Arrange the following Presidents/Prime Minister in chronological order of their arrival in India in the year 20081. Maummon Abdul Gayoon (President of Maldives)2. Nicolas Sarkozy (Presdient of France )3. Victor A Zubkov (Prime Minister of Russia )Codes:. |
1 -2 -3 |
1 -3 -2 |
2 -1 -3 |
2 -3 -1 |
2.Consider the following statements : 1. Shatrang is the grand four day festival hosted by Tata Steel to commemorate the centenary of the steel plant at Jamshedpur 2. Tata Steel was set up in 1907 at the village of Sakehi, at the confluence of the subarmarekha and kharkai rivers |
Only 1 is correct |
Only 2 is correct |
Both are correct |
Neither 1 nor 2 is correct |
3.Consider the following statements : 1. India and Nepal revived their apex-level Army--to Army ties after four years2. India and Cambodia signed six agreements recently |
1 only |
2 only |
Both 1 and 2 |
Neither 1 nor 2 |
4.Recently, AGV train has been unveiled in : |
Germany |
China |
France |
Japan |
5.Consider the following statements about Sino-Indian relations1. Marshal Zhu De the commander of the Eight Route Army, sought from Jwaharlal Nehru in 19382. A five member team of doctor was sent to China from India in 19383. Dwarkanath Kotnis from Nagpur was part of this medical mission 4. Dr. kotnis was the only member of that medical mission to never return to india Which of the above statements is/are correct ? |
1,2,3 and 4 |
1,2 and 3 |
1 and 2 |
1,2 and 4 |
More Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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