General Knowledge : Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part4 : 56 to 60
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :
56.Which commidity has the largest share in India import in 2006-07? |
Fuel |
Food and allied products |
Fertilizers and capital goods |
Electronic goods |
57.Consider the following statement about ASEAN : 1. It was set up in 1967 with 10 members2. ASEAN + 3 includes China, Japan and North Korea3. India became a full dialogue partner in 1996 |
1, 2 and 3 |
1 and 2 |
1 and 3 |
2 only |
58.Kosovo, lies in which part of Albania. |
Northern |
Eastern |
Southern |
Western |
59.Consider the following statement : 1. Jacob Zuma has been elected African National Congress (ANC) president recently by defeating President Thabo Mbeki in South Africa recently.2. He received Nelson Mandela Award for Outstanding Leadership in 1998 |
Only 1 is correct |
Only 2 is correct |
Both are correct |
Neither 1 nor 2 is correct |
60.Consider the following statements : 1. In a mega merger, private carriers Deccan and Kingfisher Airlines has recently decided to create a single corporate entity2. The Deccan-Kingfisher combine will become the largest in the Indian aviation industry |
Only 1 is correct |
Only 2 is correct |
Both are correct |
Neither 1 nor 2 is correct |
More Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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