General Knowledge : Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part2 : 46 to 50
Following General Knowledge Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in TRB, SSC and UPSC 2024 examinations :
46.Consider the following statements : 1. Ansar Burney Trust, established in 1980, is very active i Bangladesh 2. The historic truck service between India and Pakistan began in October 2007 |
1 only |
2 only |
Both 1 and 2 |
Neither 1 nor 2 |
47.UN declares the year 2008 as : |
International Year of Rice : |
International Potato year |
International Old age Year |
International Sanitation Year |
48.The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting a biennial summit, was held for the first time in : |
1967 |
1969 |
1971 |
1991 |
49.Consider the following statements about European Union :1. It has 29 member countries 2. It was established by the Maastricht Treaty in 19953. 21 EU countries are memebers of NATO |
1, 2 and 3 |
1 and 2 |
1 and 3 |
2 and 3 |
50.Which one of the fdollowing was not a part of Road Map,2003 for West Asia Crisis? |
European Union |
United Nation |
China |
More Current Affairs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages
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