Electrical Engineering Questions And Answers :: Power Systems: part1

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Electrical Engineering : Power Systems QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part1 : 1 to 5

Following Electrical Engineering Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in BSNL JTO, GATE 2024 and IES 2024 examinations :

1.What is the maximum value of a load which consume 500 KWh per day at a load factor of 0.40, if the consumer increases the load factor of 0.50 without increasing the maximum demand?

52.08 kW
50.8 kW
4.5 kW
60 kW

2.For equilateral spacing of conductors of an untrasposed 3-phase line, we have

balanced receiving end voltage and no communication interference
unbalanced receiving end voltage and no communication interference
balanced receiving end voltage and communication interference
unbalanced receiving end voltage and communication interference.

3.A 100 km transmiesion line ia deaigned for a nominal voltage of 132 kV and conaiala of one conductor per phase. The line reactance is 0.726 ohm/km. The static transmission capacity of the line, in Megawatts, would be


4.In a DC transmission line

it is necessary for the sending end and receiving end to be operated in synchronism.
the effects of inductive and capacitive reactances are greater than in an AC transmission line of the same rating.
there are no effects due to inductive and capacitive reactances.
power transfer capability is limited by stability considerations.

5.A 100 km long transmission line is loaded at 110 kV.if the loss of line is 5 MW and the load is 150 MVA, the resistance of the line is

8.06 ohms per phase
0.806 ohms per phase
0.0806 ohms per phase
80.6 ohms per phase

More Power Systems QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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