UGC NET Question Papers :: Model Paper 3: part2

UGC NET : Model Paper 3 QUESTION PAPERS :: part2 : 16 to 20

Following UGC NET Multiple choice objective type questions and answers were taken from old (previous year) question papers. It may helps you in UGC NET 2024, NET 2024 examinations :

16.Match the following : List I - List II, (a) Bhattia – Interest, (b) Cattell - (ii) Needs, (c) Strong - (iii) Attitude, Maslow - (iv) Intelligence, (v) Personality

(iv) (v) (i) (ii)
(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(iii) (iv) (i) (v)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

17.Given below are two lists, you have to find the best match for the term in List – A from List – B select the correct match: (a) Construct validity – measure of fair representation, (b) Content validity – measure of theoretical processes, (c) Concurrent validity - (iii) measure of product/performances, (iv) measure of agreement with known results

(ii) (i) (iv)
(i) (ii) (iii)
(ii) (iii) (iv)
(iii) (iv) (i)

18.The introduction of education for internationalism through social science in schools was first recommended by

The U.N.O
The U.N.E.S.C.O
The I.E.C
The C.A.B.E

19.Which of the following is a nonparametric test?

Chi-square test

20.Match out correctly the following names in List A with List B: List A - List B, (a) Sankhya - (i) Swami Mahavira, (b) Vedanta - (ii) Gautam Buddha, (c) Buddhism - (iii) Kapil, (d) Jainism - (iv) Shankaracharya, (v) Kanad

(i) (v) (iii) (ii)
(iv) (i) (ii) (v)
(iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(v) (ii) (i) (iii)

More Model Paper 3 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.-Robert T. Kiyosaki