UGC NET Question Papers :: June 2012 Paper 2: part1

UGC NET : June 2012 Paper 2 QUESTION PAPERS :: part1 : 31 to 35

Following UGC NET Multiple choice objective type questions and answers were taken from old (previous year) question papers. It may helps you in UGC NET 2024, NET 2024 examinations :

31.Teaching how to respect elders and talk to them is an example of

Social cohesion
Social change
Social adjustment

32.If a group of children learns a lot of arithmetic skills by way of completing a project on �Celebration of Deepawali festival. This will be known as a kind of

Incidental learning
Formal learning
Informal learning
Non-formal learning

33.Equality of Educational opportunities is possible by

Extending portals of educational institution to all without any discrimination
Opening more educational institutions
Privatizing the education system in country
Public funding of Education

34.Which of the following statement is not a characteristic feature of research process?

Empirical approach
Systematic endeavour
Uncontrolled conditions
Critical analysis

35.Which of the following is an incorrect pair?

Sign Theory of learning - Tolman
Field Theory of Learning - Lewin
Social Learning Theory - Bruner
Trial and Error Theory of Learning - Throndike

More June 2012 Paper 2 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it!-Jonathan Winters