UGC NET Question Papers :: Aptitude June 2010 1: part1

UGC NET : Aptitude June 2010 1 QUESTION PAPERS :: part1 : 6 to 10

Following UGC NET Multiple choice objective type questions and answers were taken from old (previous year) question papers. It may helps you in UGC NET 2024, NET 2024 examinations :

6.Which one of the following is not a linear data structure?

Binary Tree

7.Which of the following sources of data is not based on primary data collection?

Census of India
national Sampling Survey
Statistical Abstracts of India
National Family Healthy Survey

8.Read the following passage and answer the question Nos. 13 to 18: The decisive shift in British Policy really came about under mass pressure in the autumn and winter of 1945 to 46 – the months which Perderel Moon While editing Wavell’s Journal has perceptively described as ‘The Edge of a Volcano’. Very foolishly, the British initially decided to hold public trails of several hundreds of the 20,000 I. N. A. prisoners (as well as dismissing from service and detaining without trail no less than 7,00). They compounded the folly by holding the first trail in the Red Fort, Delhi in November 1945, and putting on the dock together a Hindu, a Muslim and a Sikh (P.K. Sehgal, Shah Nawaz, Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon). Bhulabhai Desai, Tejbahadur Sapru and Nehru appeared for the defence (the latter putting on his barrister’s gown after 25 years), and the Muslim League also joined the countrywide note a admitted that “there has seldom been a lic interest and, it is safe to say, sympathy … this particular brand of sympathy cuts across communal barriers.’ A journalist (B. Shiva Rao) visiting the Red Fort prisoners on the same day reported that ‘There is not the slightest feeling among them of Hindu and Muslim … A majority of the men now awaiting trail in the Red Fort is Muslim. Some of these men are bitter that Mr. Jinnah is keeping alive a controversy about Pakistan. ‘ The British became extremely nervous about the I.N.A. spirit spreading to the Indian Army, and in January the Punjab Governor reported that a Lahore reception for released I.N.A. prisoner had been attended by Indian soldiers in uniform. Which heading is more appropriate to sign to the above passage?

Wavell’s Journal
Role of Muslim League
I.N.A. Trails
Red Fort Prisoners

9.The primary duty of the teacher is to

raise the intellectual standard of the students
improve the physical standard of the students
help all round development of the students
imbibe value system in the students

10.The country which has the distinction of having the two largest circulated newspapers in the world is

Great Britain
The United States

More Aptitude June 2010 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Edison