UGC NET Question Papers :: Aptitude December 2005 1: part1

UGC NET : Aptitude December 2005 1 QUESTION PAPERS :: part1 : 26 to 30

Following UGC NET Multiple choice objective type questions and answers were taken from old (previous year) question papers. It may helps you in UGC NET 2024, NET 2024 examinations :

26.In which year the value per tin was minimum?


27.Match List 1 (Dams) with List 2 (River) in the following: (a) Bhakra - (i) Krishna, (b) Nagarjunasagar - (ii) Damodar, (c) Panchet - (iii) Sutlej, (d) Hirakud - (iv) Bhagirathi, (e) Tehri - (v) Mahanadiabede

v iii iv ii i
iii i ii v iv
i ii iv iii v
ii iii iv i v

28.Human ear is most sensitive to noise in the following frequency ranges

1-2 KHz
100-500 KHz
10-12 KHz
13-16 KHz

29.Which of the following statement is correct?

Communicator should have fine senses
Communicator should have tolerance power
Communicator should be soft spoken
Communicator should have good personality

30.What was the approximate percentage increase in export value from 1995 to 1999?

None of these

More Aptitude December 2005 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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