GROUP 2A 2014 PAPER Questions & Answers: part8

GROUP 2A 2014 PAPER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: 2024 :: part8 : 6 to 10

Following Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you as a free online coaching for your TNPSC written exam preparation for 2017. These are useful study materials collected from previous year question papers. :

6.Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is coloured ?


7.The oxidation number of Mn in K₂MnO₄ is


8.In 2007,the percapita consumption of energy in India was.....Kilogram of oil equivalent.


9.Privatisation is supported for the following reasons,point out which of the following statement is / are correct.
I.Improve efficiency

II.To reduce government interference

III.To increase freedom and speed of decision making

IV.To disown the responsibility of the government.

V.To promote private sector culture by introducing competition.

I,II and V are correct
I,II,III and V are correct
I,III,IV and V are correct
I,III and IV are correct

10.In the Union budget 2013-2014,Rs.1000 crores has been allocated for funding women empowerment and safety.The name of the fund is called.

Abhaya fund
Nirbhaya fund
Soubagya fund
Sumangali fund

More GROUP 2A 2014 PAPER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

    Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth -Buddha
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.- Les Brown