GROUP 2A 2013 PAPER Questions & Answers: part11

GROUP 2A 2013 PAPER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: 2024 :: part11 : 6 to 10

Following Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you as a free online coaching for your TNPSC written exam preparation for 2017. These are useful study materials collected from previous year question papers. :

6.Which is wrongly matched ?

Universal declaration of Human Rights 1.1948
European Social Charter 2.1961
American Declaration of Rights and Duties of Man 3.1958
International Convenant Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR) 4.1966

7.Match the feature of the constitution with the country from which they have been borrowed :
Feature Country

a)Rule of law 1.Ireland

b)Judical of Review 2.Australia

c)Idea of concurrent subjects 3.U.S.A

d)Directive Principles of state policy 4.England

a b c d

4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4
2 3 1 4
4 3 1 2

8.The National Commission for women was set up in


9.Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below:
List I List II

a)Dutch East India Company 1.1600

b)British East India Company 2.1664

c)French East India Company 3.1510

d)Portuguese Captuard Goa 4.1602

a b c d

2 1 4 3
4 1 2 3
3 4 2 1
1 3 4 2

10.Match the following Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below
List I List II

a)Atmiya Sabha 1.M.G.Ranade

b)Prarthana Sabha 2.Raja Ram Mohan Roy

c)Arya Samaj 3.Dayanand Saraswathi

d)Deccan Education Society 4.Atmaram Pandurang

a b c d

2 4 3 1
1 3 2 4
4 3 2 1
3 2 1 4

More GROUP 2A 2013 PAPER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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