Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) is a body constituted under Article 315 of the Constitution of India. One of the functions of the Commission as laid down in Article 320 of the Constitution is to conduct examinations for appointment to various State and Subordinate Services of the State of Tamil Nadu TNPSC exams have several groups and each group is for applying to a different hierarchy of posts in the government sector.
First is TNPSC Group 1 exams and this group includes the elite posts in the government sector like Surgeon, executive officers of the highest grade, assistant medical officers, IAS, IPS officers and core officers in the various Ministries. For applying to this group, you have to go through a three stage examination procedure of preliminary, written and oral tests. Usually, a large percentage of people applying for TNPSC exam opts for this group and hence the need of conducting a preliminary exam.

Second are TNPSC Group 2 and 3 exams. This group corresponds to posts which are less than the elite but quite high ranking nevertheless. It mainly includes Director of physical education, architect, storekeeper and other posts related to the government sector. For this group also you have to go through a three stage exam program.

Next is the TNPSC Group 4 exam. This group is the lowest in the hierarchy of groups and it contains application for the lower posts of the governmental sector. It mainly includes posts of typists and peons and stenos. This group exam can be given directly and it only consists of a one stage examination procedure.

If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it!-Jonathan Winters