2014 II Questions & Answers: part8

2014 II QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part8 : 6 to 10

Following Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you as a free online coaching for your TRB SSC CGL written exam preparation for 2017. These are useful study materials collected from previous year question papers. :

6.A sells to B an iron box at 10% profit.B sells it to C for 20% profit.If C pays 528,then the cost price of A is

Rs 500
Rs 498
Rs 400
Rs 508

7.The average age of four sisters is 7 years.If the age of the mother is included,the average is increased by 6 years.Then the age of the mother is

34 years
32 years
40 years
37 years

8.On a journey across Mumbai,a taxi averages 20 m.p.h for 70% of the distance , 25 m.p.h for 10 % of the distance and 8 m.p.h for the remainder.Then the average speed of the whole journey is

15.25 m.p.h
15 m.p.h
15.625 m.p.h
15.925 m.p.h

9.In a mixture of 35 litres,the ratio of milk and water is 4:1.How many litres of water must be added to make the ratio 2:3 ?


10.A kinetic Honda covers a distance of 140 km in 2 hours and 20 minutes while a car covers the same distance in 1 hours and 40 minutes.What is the ratio of their speeds ?


More SSC CGL 2014 II QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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