2012 II Questions & Answers: part13

2012 II QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part13 : 6 to 10

Following Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you as a free online coaching for your TRB SSC CGL written exam preparation for 2017. These are useful study materials collected from previous year question papers. :

6.Once upon an unfortunate time,there was a hairy thing called 'man'.Along with him was a hairer thing called 'animal'.Man had a larger brain which made him think he was superior to animals.Some men thought they were superior to others.They became leader men.Leader men said 'We have no need to work;we will kill animals to eat'.So they did.Men increased and animals decreased.Eventually leader men said.There are not enough animals left to eat.We must grow our own food.'So man grew food.Everywhere man killed all wildlife.Soon there was none and all the birds were poisoned.Leader man said,'At last we are free of pests.' Man's numbers increased.The world became crowded with men.They all had to sleep standing up.One day a leader man saw some new creatures eating his crops.The creature's name was 'the starving people'.'These creatures are a menace!'said the leader man. Pick out a suitable title for the passage.

Man,the dictator
Man,the roof of creation
Man,the supreme court
The Tyrant Man

7.Once upon an unfortunate time,there was a hairy thing called 'man'.Along with him was a hairer thing called 'animal'.Man had a larger brain which made him think he was superior to animals.Some men thought they were superior to others.They became leader men.Leader men said 'We have no need to work;we will kill animals to eat'.So they did.Men increased and animals decreased.Eventually leader men said.There are not enough animals left to eat.We must grow our own food.'So man grew food.Everywhere man killed all wildlife.Soon there was none and all the birds were poisoned.Leader man said,'At last we are free of pests.' Man's numbers increased.The world became crowded with men.They all had to sleep standing up.One day a leader man saw some new creatures eating his crops.The creature's name was 'the starving people'.'These creatures are a menace!'said the leader man. Men had to sleep standing up as

they felt lazy to stretch themselves
they felt proud to sleep standing up
there was population explosion
they had no time to lie down

8.Once upon an unfortunate time,there was a hairy thing called 'man'.Along with him was a hairer thing called 'animal'.Man had a larger brain which made him think he was superior to animals.Some men thought they were superior to others.They became leader men.Leader men said 'We have no need to work;we will kill animals to eat'.So they did.Men increased and animals decreased.Eventually leader men said.There are not enough animals left to eat.We must grow our own food.'So man grew food.Everywhere man killed all wildlife.Soon there was none and all the birds were poisoned.Leader man said,'At last we are free of pests.' Man's numbers increased.The world became crowded with men.They all had to sleep standing up.One day a leader man saw some new creatures eating his crops.The creature's name was 'the starving people'.'These creatures are a menace!'said the leader man. Man thought he was superior to other creatures because

he did not have to work
he could kill other animals for food
he was able to grow food
he had a larger brain

9.Once upon an unfortunate time,there was a hairy thing called 'man'.Along with him was a hairer thing called 'animal'.Man had a larger brain which made him think he was superior to animals.Some men thought they were superior to others.They became leader men.Leader men said 'We have no need to work;we will kill animals to eat'.So they did.Men increased and animals decreased.Eventually leader men said.There are not enough animals left to eat.We must grow our own food.'So man grew food.Everywhere man killed all wildlife.Soon there was none and all the birds were poisoned.Leader man said,'At last we are free of pests.' Man's numbers increased.The world became crowded with men.They all had to sleep standing up.One day a leader man saw some new creatures eating his crops.The creature's name was 'the starving people'.'These creatures are a menace!'said the leader man. The hero of the story is

Leader man
Wild life

10.Once upon an unfortunate time,there was a hairy thing called 'man'.Along with him was a hairer thing called 'animal'.Man had a larger brain which made him think he was superior to animals.Some men thought they were superior to others.They became leader men.Leader men said 'We have no need to work;we will kill animals to eat'.So they did.Men increased and animals decreased.Eventually leader men said.There are not enough animals left to eat.We must grow our own food.'So man grew food.Everywhere man killed all wildlife.Soon there was none and all the birds were poisoned.Leader man said,'At last we are free of pests.' Man's numbers increased.The world became crowded with men.They all had to sleep standing up.One day a leader man saw some new creatures eating his crops.The creature's name was 'the starving people'.'These creatures are a menace!'said the leader man. 'We have no need to work'said the leader man because

they would kill animals and eat
they had no strength
they were rich
they were lazy

More SSC CGL 2012 II QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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