Database Management Questions & Answers: part21

Software Programming : Database Management QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part21 : 6 to 10

Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :

6.Within a table, the primary key must be unique so that it will identify each row. Which of the following constraints exhibits the above criterion?

Referential integrity
Entity integrity
Enforced integrity
Domain integrity
Check integrity.

7.You want the contents of the PRODUCT table listed by P_Price in ascending order listing P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_INDATE, and P_PRICE and with P_INDATE < �8-oct-05�. The command will be

Select p_code, p_descript, p_indate, p_price from product where P_INDATE < �8-oct-05� sequence by p_price;
Select p_code, p_descript, p_indate, p_price from product where P_INDATE < �8-oct-05� list by p_price;
Select p_code, p_descript, p_indate, p_price from product order by p_price asc where P_INDATE < �8-oct-05�;
Select p_code, p_descript, p_indate, p_price from product where P_INDATE < �8-oct-05� ascending by p_price;
Select p_code, p_descript, p_indate, p_price from product where P_INDATE < �8-oct-05�order by p_price asc.

8.Consider the relation pt_works(emp_name, branch_name, salary): Which of the following is the correct relational algebra expression for finding the maximum salary for part-time employees at each branch?

branch_name g max(salary)
branch_name g max(salary) (pt_works)
g max (salary) (pt_works)
branch_name g sum(salary) (pt_works)
branch_name G max(salary) (pt_works).

9.On which of the following options the Hierarchical database model is based?

Tree structure
Graph structure
Relational model
Physical model
Linear lists.

10.What are �Raw� facts such as telephone number, birth date, sales value etc are called?


More Database Management QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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