Database Management Questions & Answers: part19

Software Programming : Database Management QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS :: part19 : 11 to 15

Following Software Programming language Entrance Multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in Software Programming 2024 examinations :

11.The most important advantages of the hierarchical database model are

Conceptual simplicity, security, integrity, diversity, and security
Security, efficiency, diversity, simplicity, and integrity
Integrity, efficiency, diversity, independence, and simplicity
Conceptual simplicity, security, hierarchy
Conceptual simplicity, security, independence, integrity, and efficiency.

12.A super key is any key that uniquely identifies each

Entity uniquely
Object in a table
Structure in a table
Column uniquely.

13.The most widely used conceptual model is the ______________.

E-R model
Chen model
External model
Attribute model
Use-case Model.

14.The _____model represents a global view of the data.


More Database Management QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS available in next pages

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